About Sects Shop
Where there is life, there is death.
Where there is good, there is evil.
Where there is light, there is darkness.
The universe always seeks a way to restore balance.
Inspired by the Chinese concept of Yin & Yang 阴阳, the sects shop is dichotomized into two sections. On one side, weird urban street wear, and on the other end, moody avant-garde designers.
SECTS SHOP. Find your happy place, but also discover your dark side.
Brands: Airinum, Ajo, Aries, Axel Arigato, Bmuette, Casablanca, Champion, Darkr8m, Depression, Dust Capsule, Eytys, Fabricporn, Facetasm, Fangophilia, Gogo Philip, Homage, Iceberg, Ih Nom Uh Nit, Ilmol, Julius, Kangol, Komakino, Looka, Martine Rose, Napa by Martine Rose, Nasaseasons, Nilos, Pizzaslime, Pressure, Puma Select, Raf Simons, Rick Owens DrkShdw, Rigards, Sankuanz, Seokwoon Yoon, Takahiromiyashita TheSoloist, Telfar, Thom Krom, Tobias Birk Nielsen, United Standard, Yohanix Blacx, ZNY & more.
Store Specs
- Avant-Garde
- Monochrome Fashion
- Streetwear
RAW Brands
- Men
Orchard Gateway #04-14