About _0.hide
0.hide was founded in 2020 by Bo, in the south of The Netherlands. The brand is about the beauty and finesse that lies in nature which wearing their pieces will bring you closer to that beauty.
There was always a strong attraction to artisanal, handmade garments and art. The materials and craftsmanship attracted to certain types of work, that are seen as a form of art. After a short study at the academy of fine arts in Maastricht (2018), Bo felt a strong urge to do something with his passion for avant-garde and leather goods. He decided to buy some leather and started designing some simple bags, shortly after noticing that people loved his work and built his way up to where he is now.
He mainly focuses on leatherwork, using distinct, exclusive leather types such as horse shoulder, culatta and bull leather.
All products are made exclusively on order to preserve the handwork and uniqueness of the pieces made. His work is best described as minimal with great attention to detail and natural characteristics in the materials used. When selecting materials, Bo looks for rough hides with many natural signs such as scarring and wounds. He wants to tell the customer a story that he/she is wearing something straight from the source. Straight from nature.
Brand Specs
- Avant-Garde
- Leather Goods
- Men
- Women